Guidelines For Applying Online

  • Applicant will register online through Sign Up and their account will be activated post registration email.
  • After activation applicant will login with email address and password through Sign In
  • Post login applicant will follow the following steps:
    • Step-1 Provide Applicant Information
    • Step-2 Provide Guardian Information
    • Step-3 Upload of CNIC / ‘B’-Form, Applicant Picture, and Father's CNIC
    • Step-4 Provide Academic Information with uploading of academic documents, which include Matric/O-Level, and Inter/A-Level
      if exam has not been conducted or result awaited then click on "Result Awaited Checkbox"
    • Step-5(a) Fee Voucher Generation (for payment of fee at designated bank).
    • Step-5(b) Voucher will be uploaded along with fee submission date
    • Step-6 Final submission of application (After completing all requirements applicant will submit the application post accepting the terms and conditions for Physiotherapy Admission).
  • Applicant will be required to fill all the mandatory fields and attach relevant scanned documents to move forward.
  • The scanned documents to be uploaded should not exceed 1 MB of storage size and should be in jpg, jpeg or pdf format.
  • O-Level/A-level candidates must obtain an equivalence certificate from the Inter Board Committee of Chairman (IBCC)
  • Provision to enter Intermediate/A-Level Marks.
  • After filling required fields and uploading required information, applicant will be able to print fee voucher.
  • On completeness of documents and application duly checked by reviewer and confirmation of the fee submission by the bank, application acceptance email will be sent at applicant's email address.
  • In case of incomplete application or deficiency of any required document, applicant will be notified through email to complete the requirement for accepting application.